Note to reader!

I try not to reveal too much of the book's major plots but some times I can't help it to give an overall idea of what I personally thought. I try not to ruin the book for anyone and sorry if I do so. Any of the books I write about have been read recently so that the review is fresh in my mind. Some books I will reread and post again later but if you have a request let me know, it will take me a while to go through my library again.

Also I try very hard to find the cover art from the actual book that I have some times this is not possible and I may result to a more common known cover. At no time will I ever post a book cover with a movie poster on it I like the originality and imagination of books movies just ruin what the readers imagination is capable of creating.

Rating Scale: The books I post here will be set on a rating scale. The scale being from 1-5 one being most likely to read again and 5 being least likely to read again.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Mistral's Kiss

Mistral's Kiss Plot Summary
This book still has action of both kinds but a little to much of one than the other.  There was like a 30-40 page sex scene with two guys at the same time, that may have ended in three guys.  I don't remember if this particular instance ended that way but it does definitely happen.  There is a little to much sex in this one, which seems absurd, but I found myself skipping whole pages to get back to the relevant story.  It sounded like she didn't know what to do so she just packed in the sex thinking no one would notice.  I remembered this book not being one of my favorites when I read it the first time but, some important stuff did happen.  King Sholto is rightful king and not a pathetic little puppy anymore.  Merry's powerful pu$$y brought forth a lot of power too.  I will say I am very unhappy that because of the way the book ended we never got to go to the goblin or seelie court.  I've been waiting for that to happen and it didn't!!  What a cop out!  Also Cel gets out ahhh!! It will be interesting to see what happens to Merry now.  If you've read any of the books you know how Cel feels about Merry. 


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