Note to reader!

I try not to reveal too much of the book's major plots but some times I can't help it to give an overall idea of what I personally thought. I try not to ruin the book for anyone and sorry if I do so. Any of the books I write about have been read recently so that the review is fresh in my mind. Some books I will reread and post again later but if you have a request let me know, it will take me a while to go through my library again.

Also I try very hard to find the cover art from the actual book that I have some times this is not possible and I may result to a more common known cover. At no time will I ever post a book cover with a movie poster on it I like the originality and imagination of books movies just ruin what the readers imagination is capable of creating.

Rating Scale: The books I post here will be set on a rating scale. The scale being from 1-5 one being most likely to read again and 5 being least likely to read again.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Wuthering Heights

Wuthering Heights Synopsis
Known as one of literature's best love story's and since I have been wanting to get more into the classics, this was a must read for me.  I will  have to say it was quite a bit different than I thought it would be.  This was Emily Bronte's first and only published novel.  Instead of being like a Disney movie where everything is bright and shiny, this novel was dark and twisty.  It exhibited what love is capable of provoking in a person and for how long.  The center of the story centers mostly about Heathcliff and his relationships; with family with loved ones, with others.  It was a very good book if not frustrating at times.  The idea that someone could be so hardheaded and unreasonable is typical of the male sex, but maybe not this much?  I would suggest it for anyone, it may even been taught in some English classes.  The setting for this entire story seems to occur in a foggy and dark place. Which is when I suggest reading the book.

Suggested for a dreary day than this with nothing to do
Rating- 3

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