Note to reader!

I try not to reveal too much of the book's major plots but some times I can't help it to give an overall idea of what I personally thought. I try not to ruin the book for anyone and sorry if I do so. Any of the books I write about have been read recently so that the review is fresh in my mind. Some books I will reread and post again later but if you have a request let me know, it will take me a while to go through my library again.

Also I try very hard to find the cover art from the actual book that I have some times this is not possible and I may result to a more common known cover. At no time will I ever post a book cover with a movie poster on it I like the originality and imagination of books movies just ruin what the readers imagination is capable of creating.

Rating Scale: The books I post here will be set on a rating scale. The scale being from 1-5 one being most likely to read again and 5 being least likely to read again.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Devil in the White City

Devil in the White City Plot Summary
I bought this book more with the idea that I would be reading about one of the first known serial killers other than Jack the Ripper.  Details about H.H. Holmes and the building of the huge worlds fair in Chicago is the basis of this book. Before reading this I never even knew about how many of  our current household items were presented at this fair, like electricity, the Ferris wheel crackerjacks, and shredded wheat to name a few.  Sometimes it is nice to see how thing originally got started and the effort put into them.  This book is very good for a historical view of the worlds fair and all the work and effort that went into creating such a grand thing in so short a time during a failing economy. It really was quite incredible how it was mastered by the main men of the time. As a book about the serial killer H.H. Holmes this is very little addressed on the issue for what is advertised.  Probably because of the lack of information but overall it was very undesirable a read on that particular subject.  It keeps mentioning his "castle" of horrors but tells very little about what it even looked like or consisted of or why they called it his castle, I found this very disappointing.  If you want to know about brilliant architecture and beating the odds then go for this book if you wanna learn about past serial killers and their history pass on this, that story was just to enthrall readers and break up the sometimes dry story of the details of the world's fair

Good for an interesting historical read


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