Note to reader!

I try not to reveal too much of the book's major plots but some times I can't help it to give an overall idea of what I personally thought. I try not to ruin the book for anyone and sorry if I do so. Any of the books I write about have been read recently so that the review is fresh in my mind. Some books I will reread and post again later but if you have a request let me know, it will take me a while to go through my library again.

Also I try very hard to find the cover art from the actual book that I have some times this is not possible and I may result to a more common known cover. At no time will I ever post a book cover with a movie poster on it I like the originality and imagination of books movies just ruin what the readers imagination is capable of creating.

Rating Scale: The books I post here will be set on a rating scale. The scale being from 1-5 one being most likely to read again and 5 being least likely to read again.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Dead in the Family

Dead in the Family Plot Summary

So Sookie has family poppin outta the woodworks.  Every time she turns around there is someone saying hey I'm related to you!!  Sookie I am your father or whatever.  Not super impressed with this one, but that could be because I like action and when the storyline is slow I'm kinda like meh.  The book starts out on a downer with Sookie's roomie moving out, her having to recover from the traumatic injuries, the constant nightmares, and struggling with depression in the aftermath of the fairy war.  The death of Claudine +1 and Trey hit her especially hard because she felt their death was her fault (which indirectly it was) and that was tough for her to get over, like any sinful girl she lost herself in Eric (yum) for a while but it didn't work.  I say she just wasn't trying hard enough Eric would make me forget everything!!  After a visit from Claude Sookie snaps out of her funk and resolves to be more positive.  During all of her mourning Bill is across the cemetery literally wasting away.  When Sookie see's Bill like this she drops her hate torch and does what any woman would do; she breaks into his house while he is asleep and steals a copy of his vampire data base to find his "sister."  This sister is the only person that can help Bill now because they share a blood bond with Lorena their maker who because of Sookie is dead.  Oops, Sookie is just one bad side effect after another she should have a warning label " if you know/befriend me you will be injured you may be killed" but in all fairness Lorena deserved it.  So she finds the sister and discovers that she is a super clingy vamp obsessed with Bill which was why he didn't call her to begin with.  This is why she shouldn't put her nose where it doesn't belong!!  Pam comes to get Sookie one night to talk to Eric and on their way back they are attacked by Victor's best fighters because of Pam's awesomeness and Sookie's good luck they defeat the duo and there is  nothing ole Vic can do about it because he did it behind the kings back Ha HA!!  Not to mention that a second body shows up in Sookies woods and the supes got rid of what turned out to be the body of Alcide's new second buried in her woods, fortunately for Sookie, because the law shows up the next day with an exact location of the body not weird at all right?  Meanwhile during this little thing Eric's maker shows up with a new child, who is 13 I  might add, who turns out to be previous Russian royalty. Kid and his maker are both douches who hate Sookie.(which seems to be a developing pattern) Because of the super violent way the kid died (a Romanov)he  has some serious mental issues and tends to go off on killing sprees with no way to  stop him.  As if things were not bad enough the crazy great uncle dermont Jason's twin shows up at Sookies babbling nonsense when she realizes that he is under a spell of some kind then runs off into the distance.  A few days later Sookie gets a call from Alcide saying he wants her to come to a Were trial and he agrees for protection that she can bring Jason.  When she arrives he suckers into being their Shaman and silly Sookie just hops on board and drinks a glowing potion.  Here little kid wanna get in my van? So stupid.  So she drinks it and everyone starts glowing and she gets what I expect would be a LSD trip.  The special drug helps here pinpoint the guilty parties in the trail for the death of the new second and that was the end of those guys.  Sookie makes more enemies, she should really keep her mouth and brain shut.  After leaving Alcides Sookie goes to Erics and finds that the kid has lost his shit and killed a bunch of people at Erics and ran off.  He shows up  at Sookies looking for Jason while Claude and a mystery fairy fight him off the mystery fairy is Claudine's baby daddy who blames Sookie for killing his child big surprise.  So kid and maker die that night via fairy (b/c he was trying to kill Sookie) and mystery fairy is then killed by Dermont the crazy great uncle.  Claude breaks Dermont from his spell in the most ridiculous Disney way and then the whole family hops into bed together to sleep and energize their fairy batteries.  WEIRD


Attacked by Minions                                                  Attacked by Mystery

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