Action packed book love it, we immediately start off with the action which is a big plus for me. One of Sookie's numerous enemies possibly of shifter origin attacks her at the bar and nearly sets it on fire. Once again Sookie's personal life interferes with the business of the already suffering Merlotte's. When Eric storms in to play dominate male she begins to suspect that Eric is keeping a very important secret from her; Pam is all but screaming it at her but, Pam is not allowed to talk about the secret. Due to this big disagreement her and Eric roll around fighting hard core in Sookie's kitchen turns out Pam is a much better "friend" than Sookie originally thought. To add mystery Sookie is starting to question her fairy guests and why they are really hanging around her so much. She has declined a relationship with both of the men (thank God, incest is not cool) but, it turns out the proximity to the fae makes her more beautiful and youthful! Why look a gift horse in the mouth right?! But she had to push the issue so the fairies sort of explain their motives and that the fairy war and the closing off of fairy was pretty much all her fault. Also, when fairy was closed a bunch of fae creatures were left out so now there is a whole other group of folks that hate her! Geez. Anyway, Eric is starting to fall from my good graces because he is being a giant douche. He shows up to take Sookie to the new vamp bar that good ole Vic opened just to be a bastard. Vic tries to trick the vamps into drinking fairy blood which would have sent them bouncing off the walls and possibly giving Vic a reason to stake them both (Pam was there too). The fairies, against their will, help Sookie clean out her attic of a lot of old family crap; in the process of dispersing an antiquarian finds a secret drawer that held a letter from Sookie's grandmother and what looked like a green compact. Overwhelmed with emotion, she hides it away to look at later. Later on at the bar, poor Sam he really should fire her for the good of his bar, four drugged out huge dudes show up to kidnap Sookie. At the request of a certain demon lawyer some detectives conveniently show up at the exact right moment to tell her that a certain angry bitch is after her and she better watch out. After that drama Sookie goes home to read the letter she found written by her grandmother. She finally got her answers about why her grandmother did what she did and hold her accountable so to speak. What she thought was a compact was actually bit of powerful fairy magic that I imagine everybody under the sun will want to steal..yay. So after the attempted kidnaping before the bar closes the crazy B shows up and outright pulls a gun on Sookie. Crazy B is again unsuccessful and ends up in the hospital. All these attempts on Sookie's life I am amazed she is still breathing I mean really this girl puts a cat to shame. The most annoying thing is that being around vampires all the time and constantly injured she is never injured bad enough that it comes to choice between conversion or death which is such a disappointment. I want to see if the vamps really love her and let her die like she wants and not make her a vamp...I'm such a bad person. Yet another attempted kidnaping goes wrong and Sookie ends up dripping wet and naked in Bill's daytime hidey hole. This result in an anticlimactic ending in the sex department but a disturbing one for the kidnapers as it turns out. Sookie's buddy Amelia shows up to re-enforce the wards around the house and tell Sookie the quasi-good news, she found a way to break the blood bond with Eric. Oh no! now we have the moral debate should I or shouldn't I? I say don't do it! The point of this book is the quest to kill that bastard Victor. This plan includs the best/worst vamp in the book other than Eric, BUBBA! yay!! love him and he puts on a concert as a ruse for his big fan Vic. Well both crews show up at Fangtasia and a war breaks out with four humans stuffed in the middle. Sookie escapes harm by some miracle only to be greeted at home by the crazy B who finally DIES! I guess Sookie and the gang are taking care of her enemies one at a time, doesn't seem fast enough but whatever.
Almost set on Fire Almost shot by Almost shot Attacked by
druggies by crazy Kidnapers