Note to reader!

I try not to reveal too much of the book's major plots but some times I can't help it to give an overall idea of what I personally thought. I try not to ruin the book for anyone and sorry if I do so. Any of the books I write about have been read recently so that the review is fresh in my mind. Some books I will reread and post again later but if you have a request let me know, it will take me a while to go through my library again.

Also I try very hard to find the cover art from the actual book that I have some times this is not possible and I may result to a more common known cover. At no time will I ever post a book cover with a movie poster on it I like the originality and imagination of books movies just ruin what the readers imagination is capable of creating.

Rating Scale: The books I post here will be set on a rating scale. The scale being from 1-5 one being most likely to read again and 5 being least likely to read again.

Friday, March 23, 2012

The Hunger Games

The Hunger Games Plot Summary
**Major Motion Picture**

P.S. readers I do try to set up my synopsis link to the authors sites.  With the HP books this was not possible so I had to scour the internet for something neutral and wikipedia won out most times.  With me moving on i'm trying to revert back to the author sites so yall will have the chance to look for sequels or other works by that author

So in a mere 4 days I have succumbed to the requests of my FB friends and my one lonely vote on my blog  poll and read The Hunger Games.  I will admit that I wanted to see the movie but, felt that I should read the book first and I am so glad I did.  After reading books that I  already knew how the ending came about, I forgot how good a new story can be.  Routing for whichever side you want to win and staying up until the wee hours of the morning  promising yourself it will stop when you finish this chapter.  Due to this temptation and lack of sleep I finished this book in three days!  I loved it in a sick and disturbing way.  What these people do is gut wrenching and how people stand by and let this happen is ridiculous.  Not saying that people are not capable of it of course (holocaust) but I like the world of people not condoning the death of so many for outright entertainment.  Alas then there would be no storyline right!  Some of my favorite parts are that the chicks are just as bad-ass as the dudes if not more.  The main character I also love because she is essentially the dude in this whole story: hard, independent, ruthless at times unlike most girl vs. boy stories.  The action is good and mostly continuous and, even when there is a lull, the story is so intense I don't get bored or even really notice the lull.  Overall great read and while I despise sequels I do look forward to seeing what happens next to the bad-ass 

Good for future apocalyptic action adventure chick


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