So here is my most recent find. Before this I tried to read catcher in the rye and for the life of me I could not get through it so I moved on to something I found to be more interesting. This book was suggested to me by a friend after talking about the Zookeepers Wife and a morbid interest in stories from the Holocaust. This I will say is an excellent book. Loved it had trouble putting it down and actually chose to read this book over watching Law and Order SVU which is an accomplishment. It was one of those stories that your really really want it to end with ..."happily ever after", but its just not that kind of story and it would not be as good if it had. This story starts out following a little girl in France through her horrible experience at concentration camps, hiding, loss of family in cruelest of ways. The parallel story to this started with a journalist covering a simple anniversary story but the story comes to this journalist in a very volatile time in her life in modern day France. After hearing the heart wrenching tale of what the French police did to all the Jews in Paris, and more specifically this young girl, she makes it her mission to find out what happened to the little girl. While being quite sad I would suggest this book for those who are interested in fact mixed with fiction.
Good for a historical fiction read
You should give Catcher in the Rye another chance, from personal experience, I loved it. It takes a lot of time to build up a relationship with the characters, but it's worth it if you can make it to the end.