I just finished another book and it definitely was not what I expected. I haven't really decided if I liked the book, but it was interesting. This book is more on the scientific side and in no way an action packed or even sprinkled book. If you're looking for a book that you just cannot put down this is not that book. This was a book you can read when you have other things going on like waiting for an appointment or the laundry to finish. It was very easy to set down and pick back up at will. This was a slow paced book almost like the ebb and flow of the river that the story centers around. On that note the location and research mixed with the natives are what we made the book worth reading. The descriptions were well done and there were relatable characters that also carried my interest. If you went to college you would have had a teacher like at least one of these scientists, if you were a science student you may have had them all. Unfortunately, there is no real climax and I was rather disappointed in how the book ended. Not so much as to damn the book to my never read again category but when the story ended I was scratching my head in a bad way. The main reason for my disappointment was a problem I have run into before, the author wrapped up the ending too quickly causing an abundance of unanswered questions most in the last 7-10 pages. I really hate when they do that, just "oh I'm tired of writing so let's just end it abruptly". I seriously doubt there will be a sequel so there are these questions forever unanswered.
Rating ~ 3