While reading this book I realized how jaded I have become, either that or Merry really is a selfish whiner i'm not sure which. When I first read this series I was younger and believed right along with Merry, but now I say grow up and get over it. If it wasn't obvious I am becoming quite annoyed with Merry. She thinks she has some great epiphany in the beginning that her favorite man is Doyle, like we didn't already know that, but she came to this conclusion when he was injured. In reality she acts irrationally when any of her harem gets injured, she feels in the moment, she felt exactly the same when Galen was hurt too. This book ends with her getting almost everything that she wanted, and a few perks that she didn't even know she could have. Instead of appreciating what she was given, she immediately started bitching about the price of getting everything she has been working to get for herself and her people. Everything comes at a price right and she got a hell of a lot. She even said should give all of it back; the fate of her people, the magic, her family, just to get back what she had to give up. That is selfish, its not all about her. I guess I shouldn't fault her for being sad over what she had to give up but, don't go around telling other people that love you that they are inadequate...bitch. I wanted to smack her continuously during this book, its like the second twilight all over again. Anyway, on the other hand Merry creates a new sithen, which is pretty interesting, and she finally has that meeting with King Taranus that I was gypped out of seeing earlier. The meeting doesn't go so well and we see the disarray that is the golden court. There is also a really big stretch in the plot that I have trouble getting past. It seemed like the author couldn't make a decision that would please everyone so she just made some crap up so no reader would be disappointed. Sometimes you gotta be the bad guy make a choice and stick with it, Merry always says this is not a fairy tail but it sure does seem to be shaping up that way. If it ends in happily ever after I may vomit. I guess I didn't like this book much. The storyline itself is becoming to far fetched and ridiculous. I was excited about the new book coming out but after re-reading the series now, i'm not so sure.
Rating~~ 4