OK HP 3. I'll have to say I remember very little about this book from the first time that I read it and am a little surprised to say I liked this book pretty well. I watched the movie and it was so horrible I thought the book would be...bleh like the second book was. Not true! While there is no appearance of Voldermort himself, the book was more about learning at school and on the Quiddich field, but
I was not disappointed in the storyline at all or lose motivation to continue reading on like in some sequels. I liked this story because it developed more of Harry as a character than the previous books. He has time to have a life at school, or at least you hear more about it and, not only do you get more development with Harry but also with the teachers. Knowing that a very dangerous person is after you and randomly shows up everywhere you are is enough to make for enough suspense through this building of characters. If I thought some crazy mad man was looking for me and showed up in my bedroom i'd freak out and pee myself, seriously. The ending does not let down for a huge climax and triumph as the other two books so overall good read. Do not let the awefulness of the movie deter your chance at a good read. On the kid side of things I would say the graphic death quota went up. This book actually addresses an autopsy and mailing missing appendages to a family. So beware of children if you are anal about violence or you have a really young reader. (under 8?)
Good read for PG magic fans