Water For Elephants Plot Summary |
** Major Motion Picture**
So the authors website is covered in advertisement for the movie unfortunately but the synopsis is still there. I have heard like always that the movie sucked in comparison to the book. Upon first finishing this book I thought "that was not as great as I thought it would be.." but after thinking about it and going over the book again as a whole I decided that I really did like it more than I originally thought. I think my original problem was the description of the treatment of the animals in the circus. Afterwards I realized that that was just the way things used to be back in the day. After getting past my initial dislike of this, I could better appreciate the actual story happening. It was the typical story and anyone who has ever read a chick book or watched a chick movie will know how this ends but the crazy things that people did for money leading up to it is quite intriguing. I don't think it was based on a true story but it is one of those stories that you feel like could have happened or was an accurate example of what really went on behind the scenes. I liked the way the main character developed relationships with his patients and that they take on a true character of the book. You feel empathy for all of them like you would a human character. The bad guy is also portrayed quite well and you just can't help to hate him. Overall a great read not sure if I will reread it but was definitely worth your time.
So the authors website is covered in advertisement for the movie unfortunately but the synopsis is still there. I have heard like always that the movie sucked in comparison to the book. Upon first finishing this book I thought "that was not as great as I thought it would be.." but after thinking about it and going over the book again as a whole I decided that I really did like it more than I originally thought. I think my original problem was the description of the treatment of the animals in the circus. Afterwards I realized that that was just the way things used to be back in the day. After getting past my initial dislike of this, I could better appreciate the actual story happening. It was the typical story and anyone who has ever read a chick book or watched a chick movie will know how this ends but the crazy things that people did for money leading up to it is quite intriguing. I don't think it was based on a true story but it is one of those stories that you feel like could have happened or was an accurate example of what really went on behind the scenes. I liked the way the main character developed relationships with his patients and that they take on a true character of the book. You feel empathy for all of them like you would a human character. The bad guy is also portrayed quite well and you just can't help to hate him. Overall a great read not sure if I will reread it but was definitely worth your time.